Propeling Our Team Forward
December 2023
Propel Award Winner
Each year, Chris-Tel Construction recognizes one individual from the firm as the recipient of the Propel Award. This award is given to an individual who embodies the characteristics of team attitude, work ethic, commitment and loyalty.
The Propel Award was established in order to recognize and honor one employee who drives Chris-Tel forward by means of a force. That force being his/her attitude, commitment, work ethic, ideas and know how. The word Propel is defined as a verb meaning “to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion”. The letters in the word stand for Performance, Resiliency, Operational Excellence, Professionalism, Ethical Behavior and Loyalty.
The recipient is selected through a peer nomination format. Every employee nominates one person whom they feel encompasses the attributes of the Propel Award. The person with the most nominations from their peers is presented with the Propel Award paddle at our annual Holiday Party in December.
This year, the Propel Award was presented to Molly Scott, Strategic Development Director. Molly was recognized for her unwavering determination, hard work, and dedication to the firm. She consistently places Chris-Tel at the forefront of her focus, continuously thinks about the big picture, and is an inspiring example for others. Throughout her 9-year tenure with the firm, Molly has demonstrated continuous growth and professional success. When people think of Molly they immediately as-sociate her with Chris-Tel. Molly continues to move the company forward; we are thrilled about her future here at Chris-Tel.


Chris-Tel Completes Fort Myers Technical College Campus Renovation Project
In early December, Chris-Tel Construction completed the campus renovation project at Fort Myers Technical College for the School District of Lee County. This project was completed in conjunction with RG Architects, TLC Engineering Systems, and Universal Engineering Sciences.
The project, which began in mid-2022, consisted of two main components; interior renovations and re-roof. The re-roof consisted of 11 buildings on the campus, totaling approximately 192,000 square feet. Interior renovations were completed on several buildings throughout the campus in order to better accommodate the college’s current educational programs and future needs. The renovated buildings included welding, major appliances, electrical, plumbing, automotive service repairs, cosmetology, and drafting classrooms.
The Chris-Tel Construction project team included Dan Wieberg, Project Manager, Dayline Masferrer, Assistant Project Manager, Jim Vogt, Superintendent, and Sam Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent. Thanks to these team member’s diligent oversight and hard work, this project was completed ahead of schedule and $1.5M under budget. The FMTC faculty and students are now enjoying the newly renovated campus and facilities.
The School District has tasked our team with additional work on the FMTC campus under our continuing services contract. The scope of work includes installing a new freezer and cooler in the cafeteria on the FMTC campus.
Residents Begin Moving into Buildings 5 & 6 at East Pointe Place
Residents have officially begun moving in to units at East Pointe Place. The project which consisted of three, 55,000 square foot three-story mid-rise buildings totaling 90 low income housing units for the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Myers is nearly complete. This quarter, residents began moving in to Buildings 5 & 6 on the property. At present, Building 7 is in the final stages of occupancy preparation, with Florida Power and Light (FPL) almost ready to provide full power to this building.
The project team responsible for overseeing this endeavor consisted of Project Manager, Kyle Wiggerly, Senior Superintendent, Neil Lawrence, Superintendent, Joe Brophy, and FGCU Intern, Garrett Reynolds. Their collective efforts have been instrumental in driving this project forward and getting it across the finish line.

Project Updates
In the fourth quarter of 2023, Chris-Tel Construction achieved significant milestones on multiple projects.
The progress at The Oaks at Cypress Cove campus is impressive! All 12 villas are energized and future residents are set to tour their units in mid-January. The stucco work is currently ongoing on both the clubhouse and the mid-rise. On the interior of the mid-rise, drywall is being finished on three floors and cabinet installation will begin soon. On the Cypress Cove main campus, our team has successfully completed renovations to Edison Hall, the Wellness Center, and Captain’s Table. Our team’s focus has now shifted to Dolphin Dining. The oversight for both Cypress Cove projects includes Alex Maziekas, Construction Operations Manager, Larry Archer, Senior Project Manager, Devin Braddock and Dariusz Padlo, Project Managers, Duane White and Neil Lawrence, Senior Superintendents, Drew Rizzo, George Pisello, Jeff Lane, Lou Primavera, Super-intendents, Justin Otis, Assistant Project Manager, Paul Philabaum, and Stan Wisniewski, Assistant Superintendents.
Eric Schneider, Field Operations Manager, and Sean Rousey, Superintendent, are wrapping up construction at Personal Touch Landscaping’s new office. A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is currently scheduled for February 3rd, 2024, and will coincide with fundraising efforts for the neighboring animal rescue.
The construction of the Florida Gulf Coast University Scholarship House is complete and eagerly awaits the arrival of 17 female students attending FGCU next semester.
At Lehigh Acres Park, the team remains on track for completion in the first quarter of 2024. The installation of the playground is currently underway, and landscaping work is ongoing. Following the New Year, resurfacing will commence, marking the final stages of the $16.6 million park expansion. Oversight for this project is being provided by Sean Smiley, Senior Project Manager, Jim Vogt, Superintendent, and Will McCusker, Assistant Project Manager.
Other Lee County projects that Chris-Tel is actively working on include the Lee County Composting Facility and Lee County Justice Center Proper Plumbing Replacement. At the Composting Facility, earthwork is in progress. Crews are currently preparing the curing and overs storage pads. At the Justice Center, our team is diligently working to bring all restrooms up to ADA compliance.
Our team recently broke ground on the Wayne Wiles Warehouse project which includes new construction of a 20,000 square foot metal building. The site clearing has been complete and utility work will commence soon.
Additional projects that Chris-Tel was recently awarded include the Collier County Rewiring project, miscellaneous interior renovation at Dean Street, and Lafayette Senior Living.

Continuing Contract Updates
Chris-Tel Construction continues to complete a variety of miscellaneous projects valued under $4M through our various continuing services contracts. We currently hold continuing services contracts with Lee County, Collier County, the Lee County Port Authority, Lee County School District, Florida Gulf Coast University, the City of Fort Myers, and most recently were awarded contracts with the City of Cape Coral, City of Marathon, and the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Myers. Durward Hussey, Project Manager, continues to oversee the completion of projects awarded under these contracts. He is assisted by Senior Superintendent, Bob Morgan, Superintendent, David Cook, and Assistant Superintendents, Austin Mathews, Brendan Morrison, and Derek Rice.

Multiple projects are currently underway at the Florida Gulf Coast University Buckingham Campus. These include the installation of a new roof on the guard house and Palm Building, along with interior renovations. The wood shop is also receiving new windows, and the fuel farm is undergoing replacements of the aluminum canopy and fencing.
Another ongoing project is the Sun and Sea Cottages in Bokeelia, led by Superintendent, David Cook. This project has an expected finish date of January 2024. Derek Rice, Assistant Superintendent, is making progress on the demolition work at Next Level Church and preparing for an important milestone in January, involving the installation of structural steel to support the roof.
In the coming year, construction will commence on the interior remodel of the Lee County Elections Office. Additionally, future continuing service contract projects include hurricane repairs at the Burrough’s Home, renovations at the PACE Center for Girls, and ADA improvements at Fire Station #13 for the City of Fort Myers. At our Florida Keys Office, upcoming projects include work at 7 Mile Marina, The Quay (restrooms), and renovations to City Hall.

Chris-Tel Construction’s Annual Holiday Party
On Saturday, December 9th, Chris-Tel Construction hosted their 7th annual Holiday Party at the Hideaway Country Club in Fort Myers. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us. This was our largest event to date with over 100 guests in attendance!
The event featured a brief presentation by Howard Wheeler, President, who recapped the year and the many accomplishments Chris-Tel has achieved in 2023. Additionally, the presentation celebrated employees for reaching major employment milestones. 12 one-year; 2 three-year; and 2 five-year service awards were given out this year.
This year, Chris-Tel raffled off a total of 12 different prizes. Prizes included things like an annual membership to Bermont Shooting Club, round of golf for four at the Verandah Club, Spa Day, Yeti Cooler, and $300 gift cards to Home Depot, Marriot, and Top Golf. 12 lucky winners walked away with some amazing prizes!
Chris-Tel Featured in General Contractors Magazine
Chris-Tel Construction was featured for the second time in General Contractors Magazine, a national online magazine that celebrates the best general contractors in America. The firm’s first feature was back in September 2022 where we were recognized as one of the Top Multi-family Contractors in Fort Myers. This quarter, we ranked in the top ten and were named among the Best Office Builders in Cape Coral.
The article made mention of a previous project our firm completed, Somero Enterprises, Inc. Headquarters Facility. This project was completed in April 2016 and included new construction of an approximately 14,000 square foot office building that houses the executive team and staff with state-of-the-art training room, conference rooms, machine shop, and kitchen.
Our selection for this honor is a testament to our firm’s exceptional skills, extensive experience, and ability to surpass client expectations. We take great pride in the achievement and remain committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service.